My very first passion and love will always be my two daughters, Rebecca and Rainey. Right after that ranks my passion for making jewelry. Picking through beads in at a shop or show is a passion. (One of my earliest memories is of sitting in a sandbox and picking out shiny, sparkly stones.) Designing jewelry is a passion. Reading magazines and books about jewelry designing is a passion. I even choose my clothes based on how well they show off jewelry!
I've tried to walk away from beads and jewelry designing several times since that first time I walked into a bead shop back in Colorado Springs in the early 1980's. I started a wholesale bead business by trying to get rid of beads. I started a retail bead shop because I wanted the beads out of my house - they were taking over! After closing the bead shop - I took a "beading" time out for over a year.
But my passion seems to follow me no matter how much I try to flee. And why would one want to flee from their passion (?) one might ask. Well, for me, this passion is consuming - and there have been times that I don't feel balanced - that I question whether it's directing me or I'm directing it - and I wonder when it will burn itself out and I won't have any new ideas! But I've come to realize it doesn't much matter. My passion and I are on this journey together and this is my attempt to hold onto the reigns.
Pamela Tarpy
(aka) The Tattered Gypsy
YAY! You finally did it! It looks nice.